Page name: As the Night Goes On [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-17 03:45:57
Last author: YokoTsuta
Owner: YokoTsuta
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As the Night Goes On


This wiki is a book [YokoTsuta] and [Raiko Fire] are co-writing. It's a work in progress, due to me (Yoko) not feeling inspired at the moment. I know that Rei will force inspire me soon <.<;

Dedicated to Mrs. Melissa Miraglia Whitaker, dearly departed teacher, friend, and a great Christian influence to us

Also dedicated to Miriam Atherton, my ([YokoTsuta])'s grandmother, who recently passed away after years of alzheimers.


[YokoTsuta] - the Author (Yok: more like slave o.O;)

[Raiko Fire] - the evil publisher woman ^^ (I stole yoko's cds, pencils, books, batteries, cd player, etc. o.O just to get her to write ^^ ah... torment is fun...)



NEW!!! Mini Prologue: Hana's Soliloquy


Chapter One: One Rainy Night

Chapter Two: A Stranger in the Dark

Chapter Three: The Plot Thickens

Chapter Four: Rose Blood

Chapter Five: Round the Corner

Chapter Six: Sad Performances

Chapter Seven: Silver

Chapter Eight: 21

Chapter Nine: Crimson Tears

Chapter Ten: Bound to the East

Chapter Eleven: Cheerful Contempt

Chapter Twelve: Sunlight Blues

Chapter Thirteen: Lifeblood

Chapter Fourteen: Down in the Dark

Chapter Fifteen: Riku's Demise

Chapter Sixteen: New Beginnings

Chapter Seventeen: Rules


ATNGO New Years Special ~05


ATNGO Characters


As the Night Goes On Readers Please sign!


Our Philosophy on Vampires


Meet the Authors




<img:" alt="Asbestos Disease">


Hey! We won a place in The Wiki Awards! ^^ thankies!

Wiki name: As the Night Goes On

Comment from the bosses:
A good RPG needs to have constant actualizations, needs to appeal to a large public that finds it interesting and may be well written. This one fills the description and has a lot of reading to do, with gives you lots of information and background for the actions. Also, the organization is neat and everything looks clean and well thought.

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2004-11-17 [Heartless_Angel]: ??? No worries I call people what they wish as long as it isnt 'fuzzy muffin' that person was strange....

2004-11-17 [Raiko Fire]: what about 'Crikey Muffin"?

2004-11-17 [Heartless_Angel]: No cause then I have to listen to the muffin.....

2004-11-17 [Raiko Fire]: muffin! -^^-

2004-11-17 [Heartless_Angel]: Poor me -.-'  the muffin controls me now I must dance DANCE like a MUFFIN!!!

2004-11-17 [Raiko Fire]: <('_'<) (v'_'v) (^'_'^) (>'_'>) <(__)> <(__) <('_')>

2004-11-17 [Heartless_Angel]: do relize the last one looked eerily like pikachu right?

2004-11-17 [Raiko Fire]: It's Kirby...

2004-11-17 [Heartless_Angel]: ...oiy...I know Kirby!!! Pink cute fluffball that just so happens has a bottomless stomache...

2004-11-17 [Raiko Fire]: He scares me...

2004-11-17 [Heartless_Angel]: Who me?

2004-11-17 [YokoTsuta]: o.o

2004-11-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: No Kirby. He rocks in Super Smash Bros though.^^ Next to Samus, Fox, and Link.^^ Ph34r d4 D4ncing Kirbys!

2004-11-17 [Raiko Fire]: inside joke n.n

2004-11-20 [Channy]: Wah!

2004-11-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Dun, worry. We were just talking...>.<

2004-11-20 [Channy]: ohhh^^ ok!

2004-11-23 [YokoTsuta]: Chapter fourteen is coming straight off the presses soon! ^^ (Finally, I know >>)

2004-11-23 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: YAY! *does a happy dance*

2004-11-24 [Raiko Fire]: You're gonna kill at least one of us <<;

2004-11-24 [YokoTsuta]: Me, most likely. Although you thought of it, I caried it out ot the most gruesomeness and painful way possible. ^^

2004-11-24 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.0 Just post the darn thing before I get violent.

2004-11-24 [YokoTsuta]: TT I'm typing as quick s I can at the moment. ><

2004-11-24 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yay! *sits on the floor and waits patiently*

2004-11-24 [YokoTsuta]: There ya go ^^;

2004-11-24 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Awww...poor Riku-kun. That's just not fair...

2004-11-24 [YokoTsuta]: You're not gonna kill me, are you? o.o

2004-11-24 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: No, it's dramatic tension, besides, if I killed you I would never find out what happens to Riku.

2004-11-24 [YokoTsuta]: *grins cruelly* I was feeling morbid today, so I finished it like that. >>

2004-11-24 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Still...poor Riku.

2004-11-24 [YokoTsuta]: with it e.e

2004-11-24 [Channy]: *hobbles off to read it*

2004-11-24 [YokoTsuta]: hobbles? e.e

2004-11-24 [Channy]: *nods* hobbles..I craked my big toenail in half so...I'm kinda limping ^^;....oh yeah...and my thought's on the chapter: *whimpers and dabs eye with handkerchief*

2004-11-24 [YokoTsuta]: Ouch o.-; Poor Channy. And yeah, I know. It invokes needed pity towrds the vampire, doesn't it? ^^;

2004-11-26 [Channy]: oh yesh. Very much so!....I want a turkey sandwich! :9 lol

2004-11-26 [YokoTsuta]: XD

2004-11-27 [Raiko Fire]: We ate at my aunt's house, so we don't even have any leftovers u_u

2004-11-27 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Aww, poor Rei. We ate at a friends house, but we're gonna cook a turkey over the weekend.

2004-11-29 [Channy]: we made a turkey and a turkey breast...sent the breast home with my brother XP

2004-11-29 [Raiko Fire]: Dad made Thanksgiving dinner all over again ^^

2004-11-29 [YokoTsuta]: We just got the apple pie o.o

2004-11-30 [Heartless_Angel]: ....I like apple pie....

2004-11-30 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I like pumkin...>.<

2004-11-30 [Heartless_Angel]: ...I like both

2004-11-30 [Channy]: i like pumpkin....and key lime...and lemon merangue! ^_^ that's all the pie I like....v_v

2004-11-30 [Heartless_Angel]: ...oiy....

2004-11-30 [YokoTsuta]: I only like apple e.e

2004-12-01 [Raiko Fire]: We made the wiki awards, we made the wiki awards, wemade the wiki awards! *faints*

2004-12-01 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yay!!I'm glad I nominated you guys!!^^ Number Nine out of fifeteen! Not bad at all! *glomps Yoko and Rei*

2004-12-01 [YokoTsuta]: XD What does it mean by RPG? >> (I know what it actually means, but how does it relate? o.O)

2004-12-01 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: absoulutly no idea...I didn't write anything about an RPG when I nominated you.

2004-12-01 [YokoTsuta]: *shrug* oh well, thought that counts, neh? ^^

2004-12-01 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yuppers.^^

2004-12-01 [YokoTsuta]: *bounces* << >>

2004-12-01 [Raiko Fire]: They probably thought that it was because there are spaces between the paragraphs

2004-12-02 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: maybe...

2004-12-02 [YokoTsuta]: That's just a trick to make it look longer X3

2004-12-02 [YokoTsuta]: Er...good start on chapter 15 already...but I messed up guys TT The tears at the end of chapter 14 ARE CLEAR!! ><;;

2004-12-02 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Whoops...

2004-12-02 [Raiko Fire]: better change that e.e

2004-12-03 [YokoTsuta]: Why can't you change that? e.e; I've got enough on my hands.

2004-12-04 [YokoTsuta]: Never mind, it is changed. e.e

2004-12-05 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.0

2004-12-05 [YokoTsuta]: Huh?

2004-12-05 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I dunno...>.< My parents ar bitching again. >.<

2004-12-05 [YokoTsuta]: Mine always do that o.O And chapter fifteen is on its way ^^

2004-12-05 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: YAY! *does a happy dance*

2004-12-05 [YokoTsuta]: e.e I just have to type it o.o Blarg x.x

2004-12-05 [Raiko Fire]: And I have to edit it. c.c

2004-12-05 [YokoTsuta]: e.e *coughs* x.x

2004-12-05 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: X.X

2004-12-05 [Heartless_Angel]: It tis be the cold least it isnt hayfever

2004-12-05 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.0???

2004-12-05 [YokoTsuta]: And do have a cold...but the fifteenth chapter IS typed...must find Rei T_T

2004-12-05 [Raiko Fire]: *looks meek* ._.

2004-12-05 [YokoTsuta]: o.o blarg.

2004-12-05 [Raiko Fire]: done n.n

2004-12-05 [YokoTsuta]: Noticed e.e

2004-12-05 [Heartless_Angel]: *chuckles*

2004-12-05 [YokoTsuta]: o.O The next chapter's supposed to be up by now TT

2004-12-05 [YokoTsuta]: Bwa-ha o.o Next chapter ish up! ^^ And yes, the title is actually appropriate o.o;

2004-12-06 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: YAAAAAY!!!That was awesome.^^ It just kinda happened. It wasn't like Anne Rice with the relation to sex, it was one second this, the next second that!^^ Me Likey.

2004-12-06 [Channy]: NEW CHAPPY!!!!!!!!>_< MUST REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAD!

2004-12-06 [YokoTsuta]: Mousy, that comment is so gonna block me from this page soon o.o; It was awesome?

2004-12-07 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Sorrifulnessness...let me now if it blacks you and I'll edit it.

2004-12-07 [YokoTsuta]: I wouldn't be able to comment if I was blocked n.n;

2004-12-07 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: ^^ haha...

2004-12-07 [Raiko Fire]: You'd most likely bug me and I'd have to delete it n.n

2004-12-07 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Sowwy. T.T I have finally started watching Moonchild. Squee! Hyde is so hot in that movie!!

2004-12-07 [YokoTsuta]: (to Rei) Well, duh ^^ (to Mousy) Heck yeah! X3 And well, duh ^^

2004-12-08 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Gackt's mullet scares me...

2004-12-08 [Raiko Fire]: duh.. again e.e We warned j00!

2004-12-08 [YokoTsuta]: x.x Mullet...ebil! ><;; Must. Kill. Mullet. *falls over* XD

2004-12-08 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: He's still hot though. >.< (even though HYDE is hotter)

2004-12-09 [YokoTsuta]: X3 They're both quite easy to look at, I must say. Although I rather like Hyde's laid back style >>

2004-12-09 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I'll agree to that. and Gackt tends to have a more jerky robotic movement. Hyde just goes with the flow.

2004-12-09 [YokoTsuta]: I think that might be his acting skills e.e

2004-12-09 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yeah...well, it just m,akes me glad that Kei was a vampire first, he makes avery believable vampire.

2004-12-09 [YokoTsuta]: Scary yet still s3xy at the same time, I definitely agree. I wish Riku was more like Kei, actually >>

2004-12-09 [Raiko Fire]: x.x Riku is perfect right now.

2004-12-09 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I'll drink to that, Rei.

2004-12-09 [YokoTsuta]: X3 (Riku: *swaggers onto scene* Eh? o.O) <--my imagination << >>

2004-12-09 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.o 0.0 o.0 x.x

2004-12-09 [YokoTsuta]: X3 I should so make Rei do a comic of some of those ^^ o.O;

2004-12-09 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: lol.^^ I'd read.^^ 8pokes* when is my letter coming?

2004-12-09 [YokoTsuta]: O.O *smacks self in forehead and curses* I bl00dy forgot ^^;;;; Arg...<< >> Must find something to send like I said I would n.n

2004-12-09 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yay!^^

2004-12-09 [YokoTsuta]: Must talk to Rei bout it though...>> I think Jen'll strangle me too if I send something off that'll make her collection incomplete x.x She'll hunt j00 down XD

2004-12-09 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: So...what about my collection. <inert big watery adoring fangirl eyes anime style>

2004-12-09 [YokoTsuta]: What collection? o.O;; I thought only Jen and Rei had my writing stuff. e.e Don't gimme that look.

2004-12-10 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *eyes get bigger and more adoring* The collection that your gonna help me start.

2004-12-10 [YokoTsuta]: I swear, if you start stalking or not, I will hurt you o.o;

2004-12-10 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Meh, stalking is low. >.< Letters are nice. Fics dedicated to you are nice *cough*[unhealthy obsession]*Cough*

2004-12-10 [YokoTsuta]: Fics? o.O;

2004-12-10 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Fictions...Ar has dedicated several of his to me. I his number one fangirl, and the number one fangirls of his character Bluerose.

2004-12-10 [YokoTsuta]: O.o;; Ooooookaaaaay...

2004-12-10 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I have to much free time. >.<

2004-12-10 [Raiko Fire]: YOU have too much free time? e.e I'm learning how to use different herbs as medicines over here just because I feel like it!

2004-12-10 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.0 Oookay, I take it back. >.<

2004-12-10 [YokoTsuta]: *pokes* Go bird watching or something, Rei. XD

2004-12-10 [YokoTsuta]: Hm...I'm thinking of writing something a tad bit special...maybe I could send that...

2004-12-10 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yay!

2004-12-10 [YokoTsuta]: o__O yeah...but now I just have to think of something...

2004-12-10 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: ^^ haha...

2004-12-10 [YokoTsuta]: Lit teacher thinks I plagerized (or however ya spell it) this mystery story for class x.x

2004-12-11 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.0 I've had that happen to me before, what does she think you plaigerized off of?

2004-12-11 [YokoTsuta]: Nuuu ideaa x_x She said that it was beyond my grade level, and even beyond what some adults do o.O;; I feel special and severly insulted at the same time ><

2004-12-12 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I know. >.< That's so mean and 3vil. >.<

2004-12-12 [YokoTsuta]: u.u I didn't think it was all that great...I've done much better here...

2004-12-12 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Well, it's not plaigerism if she doesn't have proof. She would have to show exactly where you got it from for that to be so.

2004-12-12 [YokoTsuta]: I know. I told my mom, but she said she had good reason. My own mother claims that I have a memory that would tell me to use something that I've read or watched. -__-;

2004-12-12 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: People keep trying to tell me my manga is plaigerized off of DN Angel...only because theft is invovled and Alter egos. But then Yu-Gi-Oh would also be plaigerized off of DN Angel. >.< I mean seriously if you read my manga you'll see that there's a complex story behind it that talks about things that probably would never cross the DNA characters or creator's mind. The main part of my stroy is about Archangels, his is about artwork. Using the same logic it could be said the my BFF's manga is plaigerized off of Tokyo Mew Mew...>.<

2004-12-12 [YokoTsuta]: Mine was a mystery. I don't think any two mysteries are really the same. n.n

2004-12-12 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Nope...Me neither. Unless they're written by the some author, then the stories could start to sound the same. Like Dan Brown's 'Da Vinci Code' and 'Angels and Demons'. >.<

2004-12-12 [YokoTsuta]: I'm not really into mysteries though. o.O I've read but a few, though I probably should read more. Fantasy's much better ^^

2004-12-12 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I agree, and RPG series, like the Lone Wolf Series.^^ I'm already at the highest level of Kai masters.^^

2004-12-12 [YokoTsuta]: More like Tolkien (whole LOTR series in a week o.O), Darren Shan's a particular favorite ^^ (another vamp series), and the Pendragon series. >>

2004-12-12 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Oooh, for Vampires I'm an Anne Rice girl.^^ But I also like Caroline B Clooney's version. He's more 3vil.^^I love Sci-fi too. Like the Ring of Charon or the Robotech series(books not the anime).^^

2004-12-12 [YokoTsuta]: I think she has to much money and too little to do sometimes. o.O Some of her descriptions are rather...frivolous. Not that some of mine aren't, though ^^; I'm not a fan of Sci-Fi, really. o.o Some of it's just cheesey sometimes.

2004-12-12 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Depends on who you go to. David Drake...I will never tire of him. Orson Scott Card, author of Ender's Game, has written one of my fav books (Ender's Game of course^^) Roger MacBride Allen wrote the Ring of Charon, awesome book.^^ Jack McKinnely wrote the Robotech series, which is sooo good.^^

2004-12-12 [YokoTsuta]: I liked Jane Eyre a while back. Not for light reading though. Somewhat dull and worded heavily, but I like it. The Narnia series was good while it lasted. Stephen King's book of short stories was great. I've forgotten the name, but I know it had a martini glass with a drop of blood staining the water on the front cover.

2004-12-12 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I loved Narnia, but stephen King was more of the movie type than the book type. My fav will always be the Catcher in the Rye, though.>.<

2004-12-12 [YokoTsuta]: I like King's suspense techniques. But I haven't read any more than that one collection from him. Basically because my folks wouldn't let me before now.

2004-12-12 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: That stinks. I REALLY want the Battle Royale novel by Koushun Takami.>.<

2004-12-12 [YokoTsuta]: And I want the Red Writing Book, but I'm not gonna get it e.e

2004-12-12 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I've convinced my mom to get it for me as a Christmas present if the ebay aution I'm watching doesn't get any bids.^^

2004-12-12 [YokoTsuta]: my mom buys clothes o.O Or things that she gives to me but will end up using it herself. n.n

2004-12-12 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Heheh, that sucks. >.< My parents tend to buy me one big gift and then maybe a book or a cd.>.< My new Ps2 will be the big gift this year.

2004-12-12 [YokoTsuta]: o.o ooOOooh...

2004-12-12 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: My parents also try to buy my love sooo....

2004-12-12 [YokoTsuta]: My parents say to get a life XD

2004-12-13 [Raiko Fire]: I asked for one thing from my whole family. A palette so I can draw on the comp 9.9

2004-12-13 [YokoTsuta]: e.e I've seen some for only 199. >>

2004-12-13 [Raiko Fire]: x.x

2004-12-13 [YokoTsuta]: My mom, for some reason, got a subscription to PC magazine or something and they had little sections on the thingies x.x

2004-12-13 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Strangism...

2004-12-13 [YokoTsuta]: Yesh o.o

2004-12-15 [Raiko Fire]: My mom got that subsciption too... I throw it away as soon as we get it. e.e

2004-12-15 [YokoTsuta]: You're so...environmentally cruel oO;

2004-12-15 [Raiko Fire]: thanks e.e .........Mousy! o.o I was gonna draw Riku and send it to you, but I haven't finished it yet and Katie says you want the letter by the end of the week >>;

2004-12-15 [YokoTsuta]: I wanted it sent by the end of the week n.n So hurry your << >> butt up oO;

2004-12-15 [Raiko Fire]: but...but.. >> You can't rush these things... e.e

2004-12-15 [YokoTsuta]: No, but I can certainly rush you n.n

2004-12-15 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Let her take her time. I don't want her to ruin her prettiful picture. That I'm going to frame and hang in my room.^^

2004-12-15 [YokoTsuta]: o.o Sometimes I thank God that I'm not close to where you live. >>;

2004-12-16 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Lol, what, I'm not a stalker.^^ I just apprieciate good stories and good art.^^

2004-12-16 [YokoTsuta]: I'll believe that when Rei's President and I'm the Prime Minister of England. e.e;

2004-12-16 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Lol...stalking is low. I don't go low.

2004-12-16 [YokoTsuta]: Then how low are you, exactly? oo;

2004-12-16 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Umm...not stalking low.^^U

2004-12-16 [YokoTsuta]: ==; Uh huuuh...I wish there was security sometimes o.O;

2004-12-16 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Ehy, I'm just a big fan.^^

2004-12-16 [YokoTsuta]: Occasionally a bit overenthusiastic, I must admit. But the support is nice ^^

2004-12-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yup.^^

2004-12-17 [YokoTsuta]: Any support is nice, actually. ^^;

2004-12-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Of course! I am the start of your fanbase after all.^^

2004-12-18 [YokoTsuta]: (crap...forgot to send x.x I'll get to it sometime >>) Er...actually Rei read the first draft of the first chapter. I think in Grammar e.e;

2004-12-18 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: lol...

2004-12-18 [YokoTsuta]: But she's the editor, doesn't count XP

2004-12-19 [Raiko Fire]: Then Maggie read it. o.o  And Mousy, I finished your drawing on Wednesday *nod* Though Riku looks oddly like Chichiri

2004-12-19 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.o Like Chichiri? *tries to imagine Riku as a monk* Nah...

2004-12-19 [Raiko Fire]: Just the hair style, I mean. XD *sneezes* o.o But he looks pretty hot. ^^; Maybe you could scan it for me. o.O *forgot to*

2004-12-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I'd be happy to.^^ Whenever I get it that is.^^

2004-12-20 [YokoTsuta]: O.O Uh...

2004-12-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *poke* Uh, what?

2004-12-20 [YokoTsuta]: I forgot o.o x_x I'll put it in the mail tomorrow! *quickly walks offscene* >>;;

2004-12-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: You'd better! J/K!

2004-12-20 [YokoTsuta]: I'll try. We gotta go shopping tomorrow o.o;

2004-12-23 [Raiko Fire]: *bounce* Hey, we can send Mousy a beanie of graditude! X3

2004-12-23 [YokoTsuta]: You're becoming unfair to everyone else o.O;

2004-12-23 [Raiko Fire]: <<; But we know where she lives... Channy can have one when we meet at the con. XD

2004-12-23 [YokoTsuta]: Whatever. I'm not offending anyone o.O;

2004-12-23 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: That sounds weird, that you know where I live. >.<

2004-12-23 [YokoTsuta]: ^^ Well...I do. And I don't stalk people. n.n

2004-12-23 [YokoTsuta]: Much ^^

2004-12-23 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: ><<>>DUN DUN DUUUN!

2004-12-23 [YokoTsuta]: You're too far away e.e And there's no motive. But Preston on the other hand >> (XD)

2004-12-24 [Raiko Fire]: I have more piccys of him than you do! o.o

2004-12-24 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.0 *inches away slowly*

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